Jenna Casaldi. Untitled. 2009. clay. 5" x 11". |
digital portfolio.
2. Click on each image and select "create caption". Give your photo a credit line. The credit line appears next to an artwork and includes: the artist's name, title of piece, date, medium, and size of the work (height x width)...' = feet, " = inches).
Jenna Casaldi. Untitled. 2009. clay. 5" x 11". |
3. After you've credited your work, write a brief artist's statement describing your intention, process, and results.
Example:*Depicted above are two pieces that I created during a summer grad class at Marywood University. They were inspired by a collection of vintage postcards featuring the wallpaper designs of William Morris. I tried to capture some of the details in the designs that I liked. I am not skilled when comes to throwing pottery on the wheel (tragic flaw), so I hand-build all of my ceramics instead.**These pieces were created using extruded coils and leaf shapes that I cut from a clay slab and fastened together inside of a plaster mold to form the bowl. The first photo shows moist clay drying inside of the plaster mold. The second photo shows another piece after it had been fired in the kiln. Because I did not cover the clay with enough glaze, (glaze = top coat that melts into the stone and gives the clay a smooth, glassy surface) both had kind of a rusty appearance after they were fired.
***I was at first surprised/disappointed when the color didn't come out the way I pictured it would, but moments later when a friend walked by and commented "I love it! It looks like something really old that somebody pulled out of the ground..." I realized this was an asset considering the time period that inspired my design, and felt good about the results.
* = intention, ** = process, *** = results