Thursday, December 1, 2011

Independent Projects

We spent the first part of the school year developing basic drawing techniques, as drawing is the foundation for more complex works of art. It is now time to apply the knowledge you have gained toward the creation of some more advanced pieces in a variety of media.

*You will need to be engaged in your artwork daily. -so please have your visual references and be prepared to work on your art when you enter the classroom. After we figure out which projects each group will be working on, the following class periods will be "studio periods" during which you will be expected to gather your materials and begin working upon entering the classroom.

Because you are choosing your own subject matter I will expect you to write an Artist's Statement decribing the work that you do. Check out handouts you were given in the black folders at the begining of the school year for instructions regarding Artists's Statements.

One of our goals this year is for you to find at least two artists that inspire you personally.  There are thousands of artists out there, so while you are searching for ideas, please take note of which artists appeal to you personally. Everyone has there own opinions and preferences regarding Art and what they consider attractive and valuable (this is referred to as "aesthetics") This class will hopefully give you the opportunity to configure your own set of aesthetics and perhaps begin to define yourself as an artist.

Here are some options:

Art About a Social Issue

Paper Paintings

Wrapped Animals / Woven Images

Text Portraits